
How Does Joel Osteen Make Money

The Official Joel Osteen Net Worth Is Over $60 Million

For those who are unfamiliar with his name, Joel Osteen is a televangelist from the United States. In a very real sense, he is continuing the family business, seeing as how his father John Osteen was the one who founded Lakewood Church where he now occupies the position of senior pastor. However, interested individuals should not expect Lakewood Church to be a normal church by the standards of most people, seeing as how it is a megachurch housed in what was once the Compaq Center but has since been transformed into the Lakewood Church Central Campus at a cost of $105 million. Based on this, it should come as no surprise to learn that Osteen is one of the richest pastors in the whole of the United States, whose net worth is estimated to be somewhere between $40 million and $67.8 million.

Net Worth $40 Million
Name Joel Scott Osteen
Age 56
Born Houston, Texas
Birth Date March 5, 1963
Source of Wealth Preacher, Author
Country United States

Joel Osteen's Book Sales

Primarily, Osteen's income seems to come from the sales of his books. So far, he has released a total of 14 books, which have names such as Become a Better You and You Can, You Will. To get an idea of the kind of money that Osteen makes from his books, it is worth noting that Your Best Life Now in 2004 managed to sell more than 100 million copies, which was enough to put it on The New York Times' Best Seller List for more than 100 weeks. Likewise, some of his other books have had similar success, which explains why the sales of his books make up the single most important component of Osteen's income.

Joel Osteen's Annual Salary: How Did He Make His Money?

With that said, it should be mentioned that Osteen makes a great deal of money from his speaking as well. He doesn't actually draw the $200,000 salary to which he is entitled as the senior pastor of Lakewood Church, but to be perfectly honest, he doesn't need it because he makes significant sums by giving paid speeches at a wide range of venues on a wide range of occasions situated throughout the United States. Moreover, it should be mentioned that Osteen's program reaches tens of millions of people, meaning that it possesses considerable commercial potential. After all, Lakewood Church has a store that sells a wide range of items for interested individuals, which benefits much from the fact that Osteen's program is so well-known.

Summed up, Osteen's net worth comes from the standard mix of sources of income that most people would have expected of a televangelist. Granted, it is impossible to say whether the estimates out there are perfectly accurate or not, but it is perfectly clear that Osteen has a lot of money at his disposal. After all, he bought a $10.5 million home in 2010, which was on top of the fact that he already owned a $2.9 home. Based on this, even if the estimates are off, which is likely considering the sheer range that can be found out there, it seems likely that they are at least on the right scale of things.

Based on this, it is no wonder that a lot of people reacted in a negative manner in August of 2017 when Osteen refused to help out those who had been forced to flee from Hurricane Harvey by making Lakewood Church available for housing purposes. The whole thing wasn't helped by a stream of comments from Osteen and others at Lakewood Church, which strove to defend their decision while being incompatible with one another. For example, an associate pastor claimed that they would have made Lakewood Church available for use if it wasn't for the fact that it had been flooded, while another associate pastor claimed that they would have made Lakewood Church available for use if they could get there to open up its doors. Both of their statements were contradicted by Osteen, who stated that Lakewood Church had always been available for the refugees' use, going as far as to claim that the report that it was closed was false in nature. Unfortunately, this was contradicted by a statement that he had made earlier, in which he claimed that Lakewood Church would be opened once other refugee centers had filled up.

With that said, Osteen's career doesn't seem to have taken a significant hit from the fact that he and the other people in charge of Lakewood Church had to be forced to make their facilities available for use by a massive public outcry. As a result, it seems probable that his net worth will continue to grow for the foreseeable future.

About The Author

Garrett Parker

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Garrett by trade is a personal finance freelance writer and journalist. With over 10 years experience he's covered businesses, CEOs, and investments. However he does like to take on other topics involving some of his personal interests like automobiles, future technologies, and anything else that could change the world.

How Does Joel Osteen Make Money


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